Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just wanted to share something

I have been so busy with homework these days, makes it hard to post or find the time for fiber pursuits. Although I did find myself sketching a new design for a necklace and earrings while sitting in my Econ class. Is that a bad thing? Anyhow I was taking a little, much needed study break, when I found a way to share my FAV e-zine with everyone. Tangledness

This is by far the best, in my opinion, online right now. I give it a big thumbs up.  Check it out!

Well back to studying. Hopefully I will find more time to write something this weekend.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weekend Kid Free!!!

I just wanted to post the great pics Michael took of my friend Krystal in her new hat. I am really pleased with the colors I chose for her. She loved it! I also want to thank Krystal for her belief and support in my abilities. And thanks for the pics Michael.

Fortunately I need to run I only have 24 kid free hours with Greg. I don't think I will be doing much with my fiber arts during that time.  Lucky me!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Just Wish......

I just wish--
I could knit as fast as I crochet.
There were more hours in a day so I could have enough time to study, work, keep a clean house,spend time with family and friends, read, knit, and crochet.
All the UFO's could turn into FO's.
I had more money for yarn and patterns.
I had more storage for said yarn and patterns.
But I won't waste all day on this list cause it could go on forever with every bullet point having to do with fiber based pursuits.

I just think I am feeling a little frustrated. It's the first week back to class and I'm trying to figure out how to schedule myself so that I feel balanced and keep from getting stressed. Thursday through Friday is a particular challenge. I start Thursday early with Microeconomics, then home by 10:30 to do homework, housework, any business stuff Greg needs, cook dinner and if possible some free time prior to 6:30 p.m. At 6:30 I head back to campus for Business Organization & Management and I'm there till 9:55 p.m. (but great class loads of positive energy). Predicament #1 I need downtime when I get home but I have to be up by 7:15 a.m. to drive across town for Intermediate Accounting. The given in my stress management is that come hell or high water Wednesday night and Friday afternoon I get myself to Grandma's Spinning Wheel. This is especially important when studying for a big test, my brain would turn to mush if I didn't get a knit/crochet break.

Now here's some great news for everyone else.... if you want to get another prospective on what it's like at Grandma's Spinning Wheel they have a blog now too, it' guessed it Take a look. FYI Wednesday night's group is more wild and may contain adult content, parental discretion advised under the age of 21. Friday afternoon is normally more mellow but equally enjoyable.

PS The hat for K is done and she loved it. I'm pleased too and there will be pics to come. Michael took some for me on Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Car Shows, Boys, Hats & Scarves

MLK weekend is our annual trip to Scottsdale for the Barrett-Jackson Auction family day. Last year I got my pic taken with Alice Cooper. This year no celebrity sightings but I guess Greg and I with our boys must've looked like the all American family. The Cox cable cameraman followed us around for a bit, keeping the camera on Seth (7-yr old), who's a bit of a character. We had loads of fun, saw lots of great cars, and ate good food.

Of course, the trip wasn't all about boys and their cars. The drive up gave me some time to whip up a hat for K. She saw one I made last week and ordered up one for herself. I promise I will post pics of both hats, when I finally get some time. This hat turned out great, I added some extras (purple & lime pearls) and with a little playing around found that this hat can be worn a different way. It can be sun hat or flapper cloche. I will meet K tomorrow to give her the hat and we'll have pics taken of her wearing it.

After the drive up we went to Greg's timeshare for swimming, unfortunately they were full up so we didn't get to stay there, had to go to a more humble abode. The boys swam all day Sunday. I made half a sparkly scarf and caught up on some reading. The car show was Monday. All of this was a nice last break before classes started. It's Tuesday and my nose is back to the grindstone. I am still determined to make time for what I love though.

Here is one pic of my famous hat. I am poolside at the time share.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An Amazing Experience

Last night I went and picked up L to go to Grandma's Spinning Wheel for knit night. Tucson's been going through a tough time. Greg called while I was driving to get L. He had to tell me that he just watched the President's cavalcade leaving Davis-Monthan AFB on their way to the President's speech for all those who were wounded or killed 01-08-11. Our night was filled with this incident.

When we got to the knit shop we did the usual socializing and showing off the latest projects. At 6 pm though we turned on Tucson & America: Together We Thrive. Together we listened to the amazing speech Obama gave. It was then that I realized what a community we are. Usually we are a rather rowdy bunch on Wednesday nights, but last night we cried together. I quote LizzieK8, "our tears made the yarn sparkle." There truly is no other bunch of people I would rather share my moments with.

Someday I'd like to introduce them all. This is an amazing bunch of people. When I look at them I see my strong Grandma Helen, my sweet slightly zany Mom Linda, my lovely group of Aunts, my sister, sister-in-law, and friends. These ladies and a couple of guys now and again are my inspiration.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fiber Pursuits

Haven't been able to post in a couple days. I've been busy with fiber pursuits, catching up on work for Greg's business, and catching up on housework (Spring cleaning early). I want to get it all done before school starts next Tuesday. Time to get 4 more courses under my belt-- Intermediate Accounting I, Computer Fundamentals, Microeconomic Principals and Business Organization & Management. I get tired just thinking about it.

Last night I went out with my friend L for a quick bite and then over to a coffee shop for knit and crochet. We were hoping V could join us, missed you V. When we sat down for coffee, I had to fish out my latest FO's. I got a little treat other than L's approval, the lady at the next table was excited about my FO's too. It's always good to have enthusiastic input so you know you're on the right track.

L got to go to TNNA in CA last week so she had lots of news and a couple things for me to look at. I am very excited about a new needlearts newspaper-like publication called Spool. I will probably subscribe even though I need another subscription like a hole in the head. Those who really know me, know my dark secret. I have a serious pattern addiction. I will not be seeking help for this, there's no cure, and people will have to learn to accept it or look the other way.

Well have to cut things short, it is knit night at Grandma's and I for one don't plan on being late.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Twist & Turns

It's funny how a day can start out one way and end up going in a totally different direction. Yesterday I went to Sock Club at Grandma's Spinning Wheel. We had a great time, planning what we might do next month, sharing patterns and ideas, talking about the projects we were working on, and admiring the new cabinets being put in. Not at any other time in my life have I enjoyed better fellowship. I always know that I can go to Grandma's to indulge my addiction for fiberarts. But it's more than that, it has become a place I can go to share my joys and sorrows. No matter my mood I have found I can go there and it's OK.

While we were busy in our indulgence and conversation, some really bad news came in. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot at one of our local grocery stores. We'd even received erroneous reports that she had died. Thankfully  Gabrielle is still alive as I write this. Some are trying to put a political slant on what happened as if one party came out against the other. This isn't about politics anymore. Six people died because of yesterday, including a 9 year old girl. This little girl knew what she wanted to do when she grew up, she no longer can follow those dreams. However, now that I think about it, her true dream was to help people. If we can take something from what happened yesterday, if we could be more understanding of others and put ourselves in their shoes......well maybe that little girl is helping, helping us to be better people.

My prayers are with all of those that were there yesterday, both at the shooting and at Grandma's. I'm glad that when I got the news yesterday I was with my girls at Grandma's, there's no other place I'd rather go to share my sorrows or joys.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unexpected Road Trip

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. Me and my favorite guy, Greg, took a little road trip to get supplies for his business. I spent almost the whole day in the car and loved every minute. What a nice peaceful trip, no chaos!!! Between the two of us we have or are still raising 5 boys, 2 being out of the nest.

Greg spent his day driving from supplier to supplier. I sat in the truck and went through a stack of patterns to get inspired. This is a crucial part in my creativity. Everyone gets inspiration in different ways. I find that when I spend an uninterrupted day going through patterns. I will go to sleep that night with pictures of colors in my head.   At that point shape begins to form and before I know it I have a complete design(s) in my head. I design from all of my senses.

After all of this inspiration and Greg's shopping, we went and had a bite. Stopped at Swensen's. It's no longer what it once was but I still like the place. After some food and conversation, it felt like we'd just been on a date. Unfortunately, our lives do not arranged that occurrence as often as I'd like. This time though I found myself living in the moment, that doesn't happen much either. I am a worrier, my secret is out.

Lying in bed last night, although I wanted to get on with the designing, I found myself not wanting to sleep. I realized it is one of those rare moments when you are happy AND you know that you are happy. I just didn't want it to end, so like a kid I thought if I just stay awake......

Enjoy the magic while it's happening!!!

PS I missed my knit night and I guess they missed me too. I got a text from one of them checking on me. That made an already wonderful day even better. Grandma's Spinning Wheel!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Resolutions & Desires?!

I don't believe in making New Year's resolutions, cause resolutions we make, break, and feel guilty. I prefer to make a lists of wishes, aspirations, dreams, hopes, desires. They used to say that words are just words but I believe that words are powerful. Finding direction in our lives is important and making these lists helps find direction. However, I don't want to set myself up for failure, so I change the wording from a resolution to a desire.


1. Finish my degree.
2. Finish a pair of socks, not just one.
3. Find a way to harness my ideas so I can keep up with them before they are gone.
4. Design more in crochet.
5. Design something in knitting.
6. Become just a little more organized. I'd settle for a 5% improvement every year.
7. Spend more time in the actual activity of crochet & knitting. However....
8. Making an interesting blog interferes a little with #7.
9. The usual lose weight, get healthier.
10. The most important thing of all, spending more time with those I love and showing them how much I appreciate their love and support.

Whew!!! Looks like I need a 36 hour day, and more storage, and more hands. Well maybe I could survive on 4 hours of sleep.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Stuck in a color rut?

On Wednesday nights and Friday afternoons I crochet or knit at Grandma's Spinning Wheel. The Wednesday night group is admittedly wild, rated R, and loads of fun. Friday afternoons are much more peaceful, equally fun, but is a time to talk about the kids and so forth. But both groups seem to believe I am stuck in a color rut. I'm not so sure they are right.

Most guys are stuck in color ruts: shades of black, shades of white, shades of blue, and some but not all shades of green. I like earth tones, muted shades, when it comes to bright colors only orange/purple/green (not necessarily together). The only colors I don't do are a true crayon red and never white. Black is reserved for accent. However being a redhead I do mostly work in Fall colors.

If I think about it maybe all of us are stuck in color ruts. Hanging out at a knit shop so much of the time, I can see that with most people, you can almost pick out their yarn for them once you know them well enough. Heck, we are probably in a texture rut as well.

I think that from now on I will embrace my ruts because frankly it's all about finding your bliss. If I crochet or knit with a color or texture I don't like then I don't enjoy it. Essentially enjoyment and stress reduction is what it's all about. Why else would we do it! So if you want to do everything in black cause it makes you happy, then I say just do it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting Points

It's late at night and I am a very bad sleeper. With the start of this New Year I want to make some changes, find my bliss. I have already taken the steps towards improving my ability to make a living but now I would like to take some steps towards improving my creative life.

I have recently embarked on completing a degree in Accounting. Now I would like to expand things in the fiber arts, crochet and knitting. I need and crave the balance of using both sides of my brain equally. This is a journey that is well overdue for me. I'm mostly done raising the kids and it is time for me to focus on something for me and maybe even others.

I have designs swimming in my head. Sometimes they wake me up at night. Mostly it's handbags. I have always wondered why Knitspiration comes at 1-3 a.m. instead of mid-day. I am itching to get started with all of this. I figured if I write about it, it will help me focus and organize my thoughts. I see so much color and texture just waiting to be turned into a scarf, hat, purse, socks...... Where will all of this lead me?