Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fiber Pursuits

Haven't been able to post in a couple days. I've been busy with fiber pursuits, catching up on work for Greg's business, and catching up on housework (Spring cleaning early). I want to get it all done before school starts next Tuesday. Time to get 4 more courses under my belt-- Intermediate Accounting I, Computer Fundamentals, Microeconomic Principals and Business Organization & Management. I get tired just thinking about it.

Last night I went out with my friend L for a quick bite and then over to a coffee shop for knit and crochet. We were hoping V could join us, missed you V. When we sat down for coffee, I had to fish out my latest FO's. I got a little treat other than L's approval, the lady at the next table was excited about my FO's too. It's always good to have enthusiastic input so you know you're on the right track.

L got to go to TNNA in CA last week so she had lots of news and a couple things for me to look at. I am very excited about a new needlearts newspaper-like publication called Spool. I will probably subscribe even though I need another subscription like a hole in the head. Those who really know me, know my dark secret. I have a serious pattern addiction. I will not be seeking help for this, there's no cure, and people will have to learn to accept it or look the other way.

Well have to cut things short, it is knit night at Grandma's and I for one don't plan on being late.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great night, last night. The tears made the yarn sparkle.
