It's funny how a day can start out one way and end up going in a totally different direction. Yesterday I went to Sock Club at Grandma's Spinning Wheel. We had a great time, planning what we might do next month, sharing patterns and ideas, talking about the projects we were working on, and admiring the new cabinets being put in. Not at any other time in my life have I enjoyed better fellowship. I always know that I can go to Grandma's to indulge my addiction for fiberarts. But it's more than that, it has become a place I can go to share my joys and sorrows. No matter my mood I have found I can go there and it's OK.
While we were busy in our indulgence and conversation, some really bad news came in. Gabrielle Giffords had been shot at one of our local grocery stores. We'd even received erroneous reports that she had died. Thankfully Gabrielle is still alive as I write this. Some are trying to put a political slant on what happened as if one party came out against the other. This isn't about politics anymore. Six people died because of yesterday, including a 9 year old girl. This little girl knew what she wanted to do when she grew up, she no longer can follow those dreams. However, now that I think about it, her true dream was to help people. If we can take something from what happened yesterday, if we could be more understanding of others and put ourselves in their shoes......well maybe that little girl is helping, helping us to be better people.
My prayers are with all of those that were there yesterday, both at the shooting and at Grandma's. I'm glad that when I got the news yesterday I was with my girls at Grandma's, there's no other place I'd rather go to share my sorrows or joys.